
Monday, July 4, 2011

Free pdf The Language Instinct, Really Learn 100 Phrasal Verbs, Ready to Write

The Language Instinct
How the Mind Creates Language, Peppered with mind-stretching language exercises, the narrative first unravels how babies learn to talk and how people make sense of speech. Professor and co-director of MIT's Center for Cognitive Science, Pinker demolishes linguistic determinism, which holds that differences among languages cause marked differences in the thoughts of their speakers.

Really Learn 100 Phrasal Verbs
100 phrasal verbs that are commonly used in business. The book teaches the verbs by first presenting each one in authentic contexts and then giving learners opportunities to practise them.

Ready to Write 
ESL students need to be explicitly taught that different languages organize information differently, and they need to be shown how to organize information
correctly in English.

Understanding Complex Sentences: Native Speaker Variation in Syntactic Competence
This book is distinctive in giving an historical and interdisciplinary perspective on the rule- based and experience-based debate and in supporting an integrated account.

You Can Say That Again
Provides instruction on how to speak effectively. It sets the record straight on how to pronounce some of the most troublesome words and names. It examines the standards of the electronic media and finds them wanting. And it offers tips on preparation and presentation for platform speakers and broadcasters.

Writing Skills for the GRE & GMAT


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