
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Easier English Student Dictionary, Power Reading, Common Errors in English Usage, English Words

35,000 entries provide clear, up-to-date terms and expressions used in British, American and International English, include examples from everyday speech, irregular forms, derived words, differences between English and American usage, and help with confusable words (e.g. insure and ensure). Encyclopedic comments highlight historical and cultural terms (Guy Fawkes, Pancake Day) and technical terms such as the periodic table, the metric system and greenhouse gases.

The Course on Speedreading and Comprehension , Included in this unique speedreading course are the most effective techniques for comprehension improvement, study, note taking, test taking and retention in school, work or pleasure materials. Rick Ostrov has spent years teaching, working with and researching the top speedreading programs from around the world.

Foreign-language faux pas; confused and confusing terms; commonly mispronounced wordsthey're all explained in this useful and entertaining guide.

Detailed chapters that discuss the four main literary genres, and two full-length practice exams ?complete with detailed answer explanations and scoring guides. It helps you perfect the skills you need to get your best possible score. Two bonus appendixes provide a full list of teacher-recommended titles to choose from for the open-ended essay, as well as a quick grammar review to address the fundamentals of superior essay writing.

Takes place in the same town of Kingsbridge, two centuries after the townspeople finished building the exquisite Gothic cathedral that was at the heart of The Pillars of the Earth. The cathedral and the priory are again at the center of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge, but this sequel stands on its own.

Free Swearing in English, The Oxford History of English, The Phonetics of English and Dutch
They explore and explain the mixture of gradual and rapid change in the words, meanings, grammar, or pronunciation of English at different times and in different places. They examine the three-century rise of standard English and received pronunciation and consider their current status and wellbeing. This book will appeal to everyone with a keen interest in the English language and its development.

The book contains a detailed contrastive description of British RP English and of Dutch (in both the Netherlands and Belgian standard varieties). In addition to a full description of the individual vowels and consonants, full attention is paid to features of connected speech, e.g. intonation, assimilation and elision, stress and articulatory setting.


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